Safeguards and security of ThorCon power plant fissile material against weapons proliferation by a host nation, or by a sub-national group, or by terrorists blowing up the plant to release radioactive materials locally.
Engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC) contractors have led recent nuclear plant projects into disasters. How will ThorCon International deliver a nuclear power plant unlike any that has been built before?
This document compares the way the Koreans build ships with the way the U.S.Navy builds ships, reaching some surprising conclusions with respect to quality.
This note argues that the nuclear waste problem has an easy, cheap solution: dry cask storage until the high level waste has cooled to the point where this valuable material can be separated economically.
This little note argues for the government providing a prototype test location, but with the tenants paying full cost for their use of the facility. This is consistent with the ThorCon philosophy of rigorous fullscale tests then license.
An older paper which predates ThorCon but offers valuable background on molten salt. ThorCon does not implement some of the ideas suggested in this paper in the interest of very rapid deployment.